SuitSat - Radio Sputnik 145.990 MHz
Today the two astronauts on the International Space Station "launched" an old Russian space suit into space. This suit called SuitSat or Radio Sputnik (depending if you're American or Russian,) was completely rigged with a HAM Radio transmitter, broadcasting a message every 30 seconds on 145.99o MHz, in order to see if we earth-bound radio fans could track and recieve the audio and video transmissions from space.
Spaceweather has reported that it appears the SuitSat experiment may be a failure, because shortly after the "launch" the transmission has gone silent. It is possible the radio may start up again, so for those of you who have access to a HAM Radio, you can track SuitSat by following the orbit of the ISS and using a neat little free reminder email service offered by NASA called: J-Pass. SuitSat will mirror the ISS orbit by a couple minutes.
Read more about it here and here.