Road to Calfornia Review - iQuilt

For those of you who haven't attended a quilt show and exspect to see a lot of little old ladies running around-- be forewarned: Today's quilt show isn't your Grandmother's Quilt Show.
Today's quilt shows are a combination of traditional quilting and modern fiber art. Many of the pieces shown at this show fetch thousands of dollars as "art" when and IF they are ever put up for sale. They are well worth a visit if you want to see something new and exciting.
True confession time: I've been involved in the sewing and quilting world for years. I've sewed all my life. While in college, I took a class in Color and Design, with the Dr. Florence Kava and did an internship/job at Meredith Corporation's; Better Homes and Gardens, Arts and Crafts Group. I ended up designing needlework and sewing designs for several years, and when the "spirit moves me" I go back and do something new if I feel there is a market for it. Note: I'm about to make another move.

My favorite quilt traditional quilt atthe show is called Butterfly's Delight, was made by Mildred Sorrells from back home in Illinois. (Congrad's Mildred!) This hand appliqué is Mildred's speciality and I was personally pleased to see a quilter from home win the Outstanding Traditional Quilt category. Mildred's won before at Road'. Her bright use of color and overall balance, as well as stellar quilting, mades a complete visual statement. Butterfly's Delight would be perfect either on a wall or as the centerpiece in a bedroom.
More pictures will be posted on Tuesday over on my quilting weblog, iquilt blog.