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Friday, June 09, 2006 

Stolen Sidekick - Net Justice

Wouldn't it just be easier just to GIVE IT BACK???

Imagine if you will; A woman in NYC accidentally leaves her Sidekick in a cab. Somebody else finds it and was dumb enough to use it-- THEMSELVES! However, the Sidekick has a few extra features not known by everyone, but in essence the Sidekick knows all. The women who owns it with the help of some friends, IM's a message to the phone: REWARD IF FOUND etc... and since the Sidekick has some "interesting features" which includes the ablility to download everything from the TMobile servers, which included the thief's pictures and AIM handle, email and the entire list of every phone call she has called.

A friend of the women has posted a lot of info about the theives. Read more about the Stolen Sidekick. It's a wonderful way to eat up a little time this morning AND reminds me not everyone is as honest as most people are.... Ask Doc and me about the things we've lost and had returned. Jeeze. Oh for the entire story and bunch of other things you probably don't want to know... Google This

Just when you thought it was save to go swimming in the gene pool... someone should have added a little more chlorine!